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About Us

PRNC Celebrates 21 Years of Empowerment

The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council is one of 99 neighborhood councils officially certified by the City of Los Angeles to increase influence with the Los Angeles City Council and departments. Neighborhood Councils are the closest form of government to the people, established in 1999 as a way to ensure city government remains responsive to local communities to advocate with City Hall lawmakers on important issues such as land use, homelessness, and emergency preparedness. 

Neighborhood Councils are part of the Los Angeles City government, and have annual budgets funded by taxpayer dollars. Neighborhood Council board members are City officials who are elected by the members of their local communities, but they donate their time as volunteers. 

The PRNC Board is elected by stakeholders and holds regular monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month. Special Meetings are sometimes called, in between the regular monthly meetings, when matters of urgency need to be addressed. Any and all meeting times, dates, locations, and agendas are always posted, on this prnc.org website, at least 72 hours in advance and often on social media. The PRNC board also continues to advocate for the community regarding the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility. Join us at a board meeting and join a committee to get involved. Committees are focused on key issues such as: homelessness, beautification, education, land use, and sustainability, as well as a committee for outreach and budget & finance.

The Board is comprised of volunteers who want to help you make Porter Ranch a better place to live, work and grow.  We welcome everyone.

PRNC Approach to Meetings

As a Neighborhood Council (NC) in the city of Los Angeles, PRNC must follow the rules that govern all Neighborhood Council Meetings, encompassed in the Brown Act. The Brown Act, in short, governs our meetings to ensure they are conducted entirely within the public view and it is clear what will be discussed at each meeting. The public must be provided the agenda at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting, so that they can see what will be discussed so that each person can make an informed decision about attending and participating. View a comprehensive explanation of The Brown Act.

The PRNC attracts stakeholders by inviting speakers to present on current topics of interest. This strategy has been very successful, bringing out large crowds, creating a local forum to share and discuss valuable information and involving the community. Guest speakers in the past have included:

  • LAPD Chief of Police
  • LAPD, Captain of Devonshire Division 
  • LAFD
  • Council District 12 council members
  • California Secretary of State
  • General Manager, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
  • And many other elected officials and those running for office

PRNC with Saddleridge First Responders

Community Involvement

We work to keep the community informed of local issues and meetings with outreach on our website, with email blasts and social media. Register for our emails in the upper right side of this page. Friend us on Facebook @PorterRanchNC.

Each year, we participate in the North Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair and other events for our community, including hosting our own Annual Holiday Party typically held at Castlebay Lane Elementary School, where everyone from Porter Ranch is invited. At the event, the children entertain us, after which, we all enjoy a catered dinner.

Often the PRNC partners with neighboring councils to hold debates for elections, beautification of our common areas, supporting the homeless and many other local goals.

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  • Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, Apr 9, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025, 6:00 PM
    Castlebay Lane Charter Elementary


  • Wednesday, Dec 25, 2024, 5:30 PM
    The Vineyards at Porter Ranch

The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council is an organization that is officially certified by the City of Los Angeles to increase our influence with City lawmakers and departments to improve our community.

The PRNC came about as a result of Los Angeles City Charter Reform and interested stakeholders in our community. The Board is elected by stakeholders and holds monthly meetings, usually on the first Wednesday of the month. The agenda is emailed to those who subscribe (see the green box in the upper corner), on our website here and posted at 11280 Corbin Avenue, Northridge, CA 91326 on a bulletin board facing Corbin street.

The Board is comprised of volunteers who want to help you make Porter Ranch a better place to live, work and grow. We can't do it for you, but we can do it with you.

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