December 2010
Mitch Englander accepts his Lifetime Achievement Award from Past Board Chair Robin Rothman, Executive Director Jane Stanton and Current Board Chair John Trent. He served as Board Chair for two terms and is a member of multiple committees. Under his leadership he helped raised over $1.1 million for "The Kids At The Y". He was instrumental in the recent parking lot expansion. And his family participates in Y events.
Viviane Netzel was named the Youth Sports Volunteer of the Year. She was the Campaign Division Manager for Youth Sports and helped raise $12,000.
Terry Dixon is the Parent/ Child Program Volunteer of the Year for his role volunteering in camps and events with the Guides and Princesses in addition to his job in the Y back office.
Joe Tagnipes was the exuberant winner of the Campaign Program Volunteer of the Year Award. He has been a volunteer with the campaign for five years. He also has helped out with various camping trips, leading activities with an infectious enthusiasm.
Danielle Butts is the Child Care Volunteer of the Year Award, volunteering on many field trips, raising funds, planning events, and heading up meetings.
Alicia Laski is the Healthy Lifestyles, Membership & Aquatics Program Volunteer of the Year. She has been involved for over three years, preparing for shows with costumes, props, and set up.
Ed DeSouza is the 2010 Volunteer of the Year Award Winner. He has given cooking demonstrations and handed out healthy snacks at multiple events and member's appreciation days as well as donating pancake mix to the Thanksgiving Baskets.
The annual event was sponsored by Providence Holy Cross so that the delicious Outback meal could be provided at no cost.